Thursday 1 September, 2011

Shaping Customer Agenda

On 23rd and 24th August, I attended training program on the topic of "Shaping Customer Agenda". It was conducted by Rhea D'Souza and Siddharth Singh from Paradigms Unlimited. The focus of this training program was to learn about approach for Customer Enchantment. Like any other behavioral training program, this program was full of activities that made me think harder and reflect deeper.

Quite a few thoughts and topics were discussed in this program. I have noted following thoughts that touched me the most and can be considered as my takeaways from this program:
  • Context is decisive. It decides our thoughts, feelings and action.
  • It is easy to miss something you are not looking for.
  • We carry many unexamined assumptions (e.g. I cannot draw, I am not good at talking to strangers etc.). It is needed to examine them time and again.
  • Only interested people are interesting.Are we interested in others?
  • Simplify to amplify - can we write about our business in less than 8 words?
  • Enchantment is defined as creating voluntary change in hearts, minds and therefore actions of customers.
  • Become aware of listening filters that include:
    • It is not possible
    • Judging
    • Looking Good
    • Taking it personally
    • I already know
  • Observable patterns of behavior can help us understand interaction styles of people around us. The interaction styles are:
    • Relater: Introvert with emotion orientation - expect trust
    • Analyzer: Introvert with action orientation - expect accurate and valid data
    • Expresser: Extravert with emotion orientation - expect something new/big
    • Director: Extravert with action orientation - expect competency
  • How to manage client expectations? Set clear expectations, stay aligned to expectations and make your progress known.
  • Conduct pre-mortem analysis before starting out with new project/initiative; assume the project has failed and discuss reasons for the same and then plan out ways to prevent these reasons to happen.
  • Actions for enchantment:
    • Likeability - listening, language, smile and handshake
    • Trustworthiness
    • Listening - facts, feelings, intention and filter
    • Become Mensch, a person of integrity and honor
    • Reciprocity - transactional, pay-it-forward and goodwill
    • Appreciate - say it when you see it
  • Personal Branding Statement should explain what you do and why you exists. It must be Authentic, Believable and Coherent.
BTW, I must thank both Rhea and Siddharth for two days of wonderful learning experience! It seems they delivered such training program for the first time and delivered it the best for sure.

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