Saturday 17 March, 2012

Talk on Cloud Computing

I recently gave a talk on "Demystifying Cloud Computing" in state level seminar at RMD Sinhgad School of Computer Studies, Pune. It was an introductory talk and I preferred not to use PowerPoint slides for this talk. Instead I used following notes in the form of Q&A while delivering the talk:

1. What is traditional computing model? - Buy, deploy and manage hardware, system software and applications.
2. What is cloud computing model? - One or more of hardware, system software and applications are used on rent.
3. What is meant by IaaS, PaaS and SaaS? - Infrastructure as a service, Platform as a Service and Software as a Service
4. What are advantages of cloud computing? - Pay-as-you-use, Reliability, Opex over capex, Scalability
5. What are disadvantages of cloud computing? - Compliance hurdles, Openness challenged, Not flexible, Security issues
6. Which are enabling technologies? - Ultra-thin clients, Virtualization, Web services
7. What are deployment options? - Public, Community, Private and Hybrid
8. Who are leading vendors? - Amazon (IaaS), Microsoft (PaaS), Google (PaaS, SaaS) and (SaaS)

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